128 Acres
Landscape Architecture
Civil Engineering
Land Planning
Preliminary Master Planning & Feasibility studies of this 128 Acre park will result in recreational opportunities for several neighborhoods in an under-served district of Mecklenburg County.
Stimmel developed feasibility studies for this park to provide Mecklenburg County with valuable information in understanding the potential programming yield of the property. Multiple master plans were developed for the future park to analyze & inventory various recreation scenarios. The resulting plans & construction budget estimates aid the County in determining where best to locate facilities within the district based on construction feasibility & sustainable design practices. This new approach of considering the land’s potential first, is intended to reduce construction costs & right-fit recreation program elements to match the character of each property within the district. This feasibility study, & others like it, will be compared with community-driven recreation needs, providing a balanced approach to level of service & best management practices for land development.
Preliminary Master Planning & Feasibility studies of this 128 Acre park will result in recreational opportunities for several neighborhoods in an under-served district of Mecklenburg County.
Stimmel developed feasibility studies for this park to provide Mecklenburg County with valuable information in understanding the potential programming yield of the property. Multiple master plans were developed for the future park to analyze & inventory various recreation scenarios. The resulting plans & construction budget estimates aid the County in determining where best to locate facilities within the district based on construction feasibility & sustainable design practices. This new approach of considering the land’s potential first, is intended to reduce construction costs & right-fit recreation program elements to match the character of each property within the district. This feasibility study, & others like it, will be compared with community-driven recreation needs, providing a balanced approach to level of service & best management practices for land development.
128 Acres
Landscape Architecture
Civil Engineering
Land Planning